The White House

The White House

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Did You Feel the Earth Shake?

I wonder if my children are earthquake sensors?? Last night Olivia kicked and cried from 12:30-1:30am. Got her down and at 1:30am Elijah called from where he was spending the night. Had a bad dream or something so I talked to him for about ten minutes until he could go back to sleep. Then Lucas was up. Finally got him to sleep in my room and then the house shook at 2:12am. And 2:13am. Apparently, there was a 3.9 at Four Mile Road, Alaska. Now 3.9 may seem like nothing to many people in the world. And compared to tornadoes and hurricanes it isn't. I do not do well with things that are out of my control. I was awake and freaked out for quite some time. Waiting for the "big one". Not that I've ever been in a big one. I believe our last big one was in 1964 . I just don't want to be in a big one. Or a hurricane. Or a tornado. That is one of the benefits to Fairbanks. We aren't big on natural disasters, bugs or people. Just a mellow place to be. If it wasn't for all that darn cold....

1 comment:

keturi/faro clan said...

wow...usually I wake up to those too. Not this time we all slept straight through! My mom was in the big one in 1964. Since that time she calls both my sister and I every time they have a tremor!