PSA: If this trucker were haulin’ two trailers those little cars would be wiped out when he takes the corner. People…grab a clue and stay back. The worst part is that everyone that uses this left turn KNOWS he will turn left and will need to be in the left lane to take another quick left. Idiot of the Day!
I did a brief search, but it’s late and I don’t want to figure it out… but does this not SCREAM 70’s? Maybe 60’s? I’m not sure when it was built, but this is one of the “older” elementary schools in our area. Why am I taking a photo of it? Today, I took pizza to Lucas, Olivia and Emily for lunch at school. I decided to go ahead and pick up pizza for Nick & his friends and deliver it, too, and this school was in that area. I’m cool like that.
Before the big pizza delivery I got to spend some special time at Elijah’s school speaking with the VP concerning an incident. Oh… that kid is a lot of work. It’s just one day of In School Suspension. I know, I know. If it were one of the other kids I’d freak out, but this…for Elijah…is good. A day he is isolated from the masses working on his education. (He thought he was being funny… he was not viewed as such).
Protestors were out. No, I do not get protesting. I am sure there has got to be a more assertive and effective method of making change than standing on the street, but hey, Occupy is the new thing (or maybe just a recycled movement under a new name)…and they even do it in Alaska. (These guys were protesting Obama’s HHS…which I don’t even know what that is…and I’m a positive there time made no changes except within themselves).
Went into JoAnn’s. OMG…. I could just get lost in fabric and buy a year’s salary worth, but I didn’t. I promised myself I wouldn’t start anymore projects until I finished the ones waiting for me. (Does starting something with my kids count?).
Emily wants to design clothes so I took this photo. How fun! If we could only for-real draw like that.
Ummm… more protesters with children. Actually, I think they were all saying good-bye and going home. No sign waving going on.
Sometimes it is good to give gifts not for a holiday, but to just make someone feel good. My husband does that. And I do, too. Today, was one of those days. Lucas got a rockin’ set of miniature Star Wars guys. He was checking it all out before even before opening the packaging.
I had time to wrap gifts for the girls. Such a fun surprise to come home to.
Olivia is using her new fabric markers to draw on an apron to wear in the plant room with me.
Emily made this bag. It is for all the art supplies I got her to make those designs (I am supposed to sew)
Tonight it was Chicken Enchilada’s. Fried chicken in oil and Mexican Spices (I mixed up). Then sautéed onions in the same pan.
Added Mexican Stewed Tomatoes and then the chicken.
Wrapped then topped with cheese and put in the oven. Also, made some Spanish Rice. Hubby was happy when he got home from a long days work.
My Girl drawing with the new how-to book I got her.
Here’s her girl…
and here’s my very angry-looking, cross-eyed fashion Diva. (I am so not an artist). Olivia drew one, too, but I never got a photo.
Holy Confusion Batman!! I had to cook dinner, run Elijah his baseball stuff because, of course, he forgot his backpack at home…which is to be expected, finish cooking dinner and give INDIVIDUAL attention to each child because…they demand it. I was run ragged all evening.
Lucas and I had a Star Wars battle where he made up the rules as he went along to make sure he won. We were down to the last two men.
But then his ship flew special missions and brought back more fighters. (I did not get a ship or a special mission or more men).
At last, I was slain. The end.
Dad had to watch the basketball game…so he did and we patiently waited to watch Tintin.
Sophie is too funny. She sat and watched Trixie. Then looked forward at Charlie, Sarafina and Flower. Goofy dog.
Completely boneless.
While dad watched the game I wanted to plant some seeds. Look who came to help in her new gloves and apron (wearing her new puddle boots. WTH??? I call them water boots. Where did she hear that? Must be Grandma Debbi)!!
Little brother can’t be left out. We planted a couple variety of cucumbers.
Finally the ball game was over and we watched Tintin. Isn’t Sophie about the most precious little thing. Funny deal…we waited for Dad and then he went to bed halfway through the movie. He works too much.
Millie is officially Emily’s dog. She was Homer’s as he is the one that wanted her when she was a puppy. I was against it as was Nick. Of course, Elijah wanted her as he wants everything, but never takes care of anything. (As of today Rusty is officially given to Lucas as I stepped in dog poo in MY CLOSET first thing BEFORE COFFEE because Elijah took him upstairs instead of outside…arrrg!!). Lucas even put him on a leash and walked him. Yes, my 5-year old is more responsible and easier to raise then my 16-year old. That’s life. ) Anyhow….Em walks Millie and snuggles her on the couch. :) (Not sure why she has her in a headlock).
Okay…it is late. Big day of shopping, school stuff, baseball tryouts (we have to wait until coach calls to hear who made the cut!) and tomorrow is the last soccer game. Time for bed!!
Wow - that was one, full, day! Your dinner looked excellent and now I want to make that. You are an awesome, fun mom! Poor elijah will get it all together one of these days. Hes improving and he's a diamond in the rough. Maybe you can use driving lessons as a reward for a good day in school. No driving lesson if he got in trouble? This was a really great post!
Another amazing photo post!!!!!!
The school is so cool!! I am always amazed at the different architecture across the nation...
Can I say that your family will cherish the time and energy you put into your blog. It is a journal of your lives and precious in every way!!!
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