The White House

The White House

Thursday, October 23, 2008

We've Been Busy...

Lucas sleeping in Mama's arms with his forever dirty face...
Olivia and Lucas dancing to Happy Feet...
Elijah playing in the semi-finals. They beat Monroe 52-26. Today is the championship game


Tara said...

It would appear we are related! Hello from the Doyle family--TX edition :) My hubby would be your father-in-law's brother's son. Say THAT 3x fast ;)

Seriously, I'm Tara and Allan III is my husband. We blog at

Small City Scenes said...

You have a wonderful, fun blog. Thanks for visiting mine. MB

Tink *~*~* said...

Good luck with the championships!

Tink *~*~*
My Mobile Adventures *~*~*

Lori Skoog said...

Gayle...I love the photo of you and have the fabulous look of a caring Mom. Beautiful.

Queen-Size funny bone said...

what a lovely family, athletes and dirty faces. priceless

Jess said...

I miss those dancing days! So cute.

Good luck in the championship game!

stace41971 said...

Awww...that pic of you and Lucas is so sweet :-)
I miss the kids used to run full speed in a circle around a braided rug and call it "dancing" lol we did it every night after their baths...they had so much fun. I really miss those days.

Tina@ SendChocolateNow said...

Gayle, I know you have been busy, but now you have to do more bloggy stuff.
Tag, You're It!
